Vacuum clean the rug thoroughly and frequently using a soft brush.
Clean the rug by using a dry extraction carpet cleaner.
Do not clean the rug using water.
The areas around furniture legs should be cleaned more carefully as it is there that dust collects.
Protruding threads may appear after time, remove them by cutting with a small scissor. Avoid pulling them out.
If the edge of the rug may curl, put a damp towel to the area and weight it down evenly.
Do not use any abrasive cleaning near the rug since they may damage the rug.
To remove stains, immediately place a towel wrung in cold water over the stain. Avoid scrubbing the area while cleaning.
Crushed piles and creases may occur from the transport, this will wear off after laying the rug flat.
The information included in these materials is guidance on the proper care and maintenance of GUBI products, but this guidance cannot be considered a guarantee of specific results. GUBI is not liable for any damage resulting from care and maintenance activities. Information from suppliers of chemicals and cleaning solvents, including but not limited to label instructions, should always be followed.