By Painé Cuadrelli
In ‘Metamorfosi’ sound designer Painé Cuadrelli has created an immersive audiovisual installation that turns human soundbites, hard percussion, and natural sounds into a melodic composition that depicts the birth and evolution of the Beetle, from pupa to beautifully developed creature.
“A small and simple idea, soft and abstract, takes form with rhythm to become a basic pattern. By adding ingredients and materials, textures, timbres, the base develops into a colorful and shining creation. Like the evolution of a beetle from egg to larva, pupa and adult form, my sound work is composed of four parts, or movements: Birth, Formation, Definition, and Evolution. Initially, GamFratesi recalls the history of the Beetle Chair. Fragments of their narrative becomes textures, rhythms, and fundamental elements of the soundscape, and a combination of human soundbites, timber percussion, and digital instruments achieve a dynamic and colorful sonic palette.”
– Painé Cuadrelli
Painé Cuadrelli is a sound designer, music producer, and DJ of Italian and Spanish descent. He composes and produces records, soundtracks for films, documentaries, installations, exhibitions, and theatrical performances. Cuadrelli works in the intersections between electronic, mixed media, and sound memory, collaborating with institutions, museums, and design and fashion companies. A central figure in the Italian electronic music scene, Cuadrelli has played in clubs and festivals in Europe, the United States, and Latin America.
“The beauty of auditory memory is its ability to activate synapses in ways that are as unexpected as they are precise. Memorable experiences often ride into our thoughts on the back of rhythm and melody. Painé Cuadrelli asks himself what the moment in which GamFratesi first thought of the Beetle Chair must have been like. He retraces and reworks, adds and then subtracts, mixes and alters elements of that moment to make it into music.”
- Marco Sammicheli, curator, TEN: Beyond the Beetle
GUBI SALONE 2023’s landmark exhibition showcases 10 creative responses to a modern design icon.